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Coastal Wildlife

first coastal coastal wildlife featured imageLong Island’s shorelines provide ideal habitat for many diverse coastal wildlife. It is important for coastal property owners to be aware of the water dependent wildlife that are found near their properties. First Coastal prides itself in actively helping to preserve coastal wildlife. From active Wildlife Management for municipalities to assisting with stranded or endangered coastal wildlife species, First Coastal’s knowledge of the coastal environment helps preserve important shoreline flora and fauna. Including some of the coastal wildlife listed below:

Piping Plovers
Least Terns
Seabeach Amaranth
Harbor, Harp, Hooded & Gray Seals
Sea Turtles

If you have any questions about these important wildlife, please contact an environmental professional or the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation Wildlife Division at 631-444-0310 or The Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation’s 24-hour rescue hotline at 631-369-9829

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