Dune Maintenance & Vegetation
First Coastal implements Beach Re-grading and Dune Restoration Projects for along thousands of feet…
Wetland Restoration
Freshwater and Tidal Wetlands provide essential flood protection, water quality maintenance, wild-life habitats, and…
Living Shorelines
First Coastal conducts detailed shoreline vulnerability analysis and studies for flooding and erosion potential…
Dune Restoration
First Coastal's Erosion Control division currently conducts Dune Management Programs along over 50,000 feet…
Bluff Restoration
First Coastal restores and re-vegetates eroded bluffs along Long Island's north shores through our…
Dune & Bluff Stairs & Walkways
First Coastal designs, secures permits for and constructs dune walkovers, stairs and walkways. We…
First Coastal designs, secures permits and constructs catwalk dock and float for shoreline properties…
Bayside Bulkhead Construction
First Coastal designs, secures permits and constructs bay side bulkheads. First Coastal's bulkheads provide…
Coastal Bulkhead Construction
First Coastal designs, secures permits and constructs coastal steel bulkhead. First Coastal's steel bulkheads…
Coastal Revetments
First Coastal designs, secures permits and constructs stone revetment projects. First Coastal's Stone Revetment…
Emergency Coastal Protection & GeoCubes
First Coastal designs, and constructs Sand Filled Geotextiles Structures and Restoration Projects as protection…
Beach Nourishment & Management
First Coastal designs, coordinates, and supervises construction and implementation of waterway dredging and beach…
Environmental Permitting
Developing or improving your coastal property involves multiple, overlapping regulatory environmental and zoning agencies…
Zoning & Planning
First Coastal conducts detailed analysis for zoning, variance and master planning projects with our…
Coastal Zone Management
Since 1975, Environmental Services of First Coastal has been a leader in Coastal Zone…
Coastal Wildlife
Long Island’s shorelines provide ideal habitat for many diverse coastal wildlife. It is important…
Digital Mapping & Imaging
First Coastal produces digital documents for all levels of detailed analysis with our staff…